Rules concerning exams on courses
- Before the exam
- Aids
- At the exam
- Photo ID
- At the end of the exam
- After the exam
- Change and correction of grades
- Cheating
Before the exam
Students must register for exams in advance, in accordance with the instructions of the respective departments. If you have not registered on time, you will only be able to take the exam as far as space and available exam papers allow. Note that special rules apply to students with learning support.
The department is to inform you well in advance of which aids you are allowed to use during the exam, e.g. calculator, tables, etc. The permitted aids will also be listed on the cover sheet of the exam. You are responsible for bringing along any permitted aids you wish to use, and for making sure that they do not contain any notes or pieces of paper which are not permitted. You are also obliged to ensure that the calculator you intend to use is permitted. Scrap paper will be provided by the department. You may not use your own paper.
At the exam
The exam always starts exactly at the time communicated, without academic quarter. Be there in good time! This is especially important if you are writing in a large lecture hall, where several different exams are taking place at the same time and with many students present. The doors close when it is time. If you arrive up to 30 minutes late, you get a second chance and may enter again after 30 minutes. If you arrive more than 30 minutes late, you will not be admitted and may not write your exam. You may leave the hall after 60 minutes at the earliest.
Go directly to your assigned seat and take out your photo ID, any permitted aids, snacks etc. from your bag. Then place the bag in the designated area. During the exam, you may only open your bag under the supervision of the invigilator (person overseeing the exam). As a student, you must abide by the invigilators’ instructions at all times with regard to where you sit in the exam hall, where you are to place your bag, coat and other personal belongings, as well as with regard to any rules concerning toilet breaks. Remain in your seat as you wait for the exam to start. If the exam is written on paper, you are not allowed to turn over the papers placed on your desk until the invigilator announces that the exam has begun.
Once the exam has started, all communication is forbidden until all students have submitted their exams. Even after you have sub-mitted your own exam, you are not permitted to communicate with others, as long as you remain in the exam hall.
You are prohibited from using your mobile phone, e-reader or other electronic equipment during the exam. These must be switched off and put away in the designated area for personal belongings as you enter the exam hall.
On the request of the invigilator or lecturer, you are obliged to present the aids and papers you are using during the exam. In case of suspected cheating, prohibited aids and pieces of paper may be confiscated to secure evidence. Smoking and alcohol are prohibited in the exam hall. Smoking breaks will not be permitted during the exam.
Photo ID
The student’s identity must be verified at every exam session. If you are not able to present a valid photo ID, you will not be permitted to take the exam.
Valid types of Photo ID:
- Swedish passport
- Swedish driving licence
- Swedish national identity card
- Swedish ID card for residents issued by the Swedish Tax Agency
- National identity card issued by an EU/EEA/Schengen country
- Foreign passport
At the end of the exam
You are not allowed to leave the exam hall until at least one hour has passed since the start of the exam. Your ID must be checked before you leave. All exams must be submitted, regardless of whether you responded to the exam questions or not.
If you fail to submit your exam within the specified time, it will be deemed invalid and thus not assessed. The exam must be handed in (with your name or anonymous code indicated) regardless of whether you have answered the questions or not. Submitted exams will be marked and graded. It is therefore not possible to decide afterwards that the result is not valid. If you have answered any part of the questions, the exam will be marked and the result you obtain will apply. If you have not answered the questions, the exam will be considered blank. Blank papers are reported as fail.
If the exam is written on paper you are responsible for making sure that any attachments with answers are stapled to the exam or placed in the exam cover provided for this purpose. All attachments must include your name, personal identity number and the page number.
If you violate any of the exam rules above, you will be considered to have disrupted the exam and you may be ordered to leave the exam hall, and be reported to the vice-chancellor. This may lead to disciplinary measures – see below under “Cheating”.
After the exam
You will receive an email notification to your student account whenever the result of an exam or an entire course has been entered into LADOK. Log into the Student Portal to see your results.
If you fail an exam, you will have the opportunity for a retake. Of course, this will require you to check ahead of time whether the content and required reading of the course have changed. Retakes for the purpose of improving your grade on a passed exam (so-called “plussning” in Swedish) are not permitted.
Digital exams can be viewed in Inspera after they have been marked and results communicated. Exams written on paper can be viewed/retrieved at the exam review and then as instructed by your department.
Change and correction of grades
A grade change may be considered if your grade is clearly incorrect. This means that it must be an error that can be easily detected and that it can be changed quickly and easily. This does not mean rectification of the entire examination but revision of defined areas of the examination.
Correction of grades is about correcting clerical errors, erroneous summaries and other miscalculations. LUSEM recommends that a request for change or correction of grades should be submitted to your department no later than three weeks after the result has been announced.
The School of Economics and Management considers any attempt of cheating a serious offence. If an invigilator or lecturer suspects that a student is not complying with the exam rules, they will inform the student. Students who do not abide by the instructions of the invigilator or lecturer will be ordered to leave the exam hall.
All cases of suspected cheating will be reported to the department, which in turn will file a report to the Disciplinary Board at Lund University. The board handles all cases of suspected attempts at cheating in accordance with the University’s rules and regulations. This may result in disciplinary measures taken against the student in the form of a warning or suspension from studies for up to six months. The period of suspension is usually six weeks.
Examination at Annexet and Sparta –
Information about regulations in Annexet and at Sparta.