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International office at LUSEM

Lund University School of Economics and Management International Office

The International Office at Lund University School of Economics and Management develops and administers the international study opportunities at the School.

Contact the International Office if you have questions about:

  • Exchange studies
  • Double degree programmes
  • International Master Class
  • Summer exchange
  • Tuition-based mobility programmes

For general information about LUSEM or our full degree study programmes:

Interested in studies?

On this page you will find useful information about the International Office:

International Office Drop-in

The drop-in is closed from 31 May until 26 August.

Availability and contact info during the summer

LUSEM International Office is closed in July, e-mails will be checked sporadically during this period. Please note that the response time will be longer.

If you need assistance during this time, contact Lund University's International Desk. 

Please explore our FAQ (below) if you have any questions. If you don’t find your answer you can get assistance during this period from Lund University's International Desk. 

The International Desk -

Questions related to Arrival Day and Orientation Weeks

Q: Do I need to arrive on Arrival Day 20 August?

A: No, but we recommend that you arrive on Arrival Day so that you can participate in the Orientation Weeks and settle in before the semester begins. 

Q: Will there be any activities organised for new exchange students?

A: Yes. You can find information about the Orientation Weeks programme on the link below. There will also be activities arranged by your mentor group. Information about signing up for the mentor programme has been sent out by email from the International Desk. If you have missed applying for a mentor group please contact them on the e-mail below. 

Orientation weeks –
mentorprogramme [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (mentorprogramme[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)

Q: Will there be any meetings arranged by LUSEM during the Orientation Weeks?

A: Yes. There will be an information meeting with the LUSEM International Office during the Pre-registration Day on 22 August. More information will be sent out by email. If you cannot attend the meeting, let us know by email: 
incoming [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (incoming[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se)

Questions related to studies

Q: How can I find out which courses I have been admitted to?

A: Log on to SoleMOVE to see which courses have been confirmed. You find this under the tab Proposed study plan, and the status of your courses will say “Confirmed”.

SoleMOVE –

Q: Can I change any of my confirmed courses?

A: Yes, you can apply for a course change via LUSEM Pre-registration form that will be sent to you by email mid-August.

Q: Where can I find the schedule for my courses?

A: The schedules are available via TimeEdit. The schedules will be finalised at the latest one month before course start.

TimeEdit –

Q: Can I get a signature on my Learning Agreement (LA) before I come to Lund?

A: We will sign your Learning Agreement as soon as possible upon our return to the office. If you have a deadline, please state this in your e-mail, so we know if we need to prioritise yours. 

Q: When will I receive my student account?

A: You should have received an email with information about your student account in June. If you haven’t received it or have any technical problems, please contact servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se 

Questions related to accommodation

Q: When will I know if I am offered a room by LU Accommodation?

A: For information about housing via LU Accommodation, visit:

Frequently Asked Questions –

Q: I am still looking for housing. Do you have any tips on how to find housing? 

A: For information about different housing options, visit:

Accommodation Agencies –

Q: When will I receive a code so that I can participate in AF Bostäder Lottery 11-13 July? 

A: You will receive your code to join early July before the lottery takes place.

AF Bostäder Lottery –

Preparing for your exchange (2024/2025)

Q: Where can I find information about my host university? When is my application deadline?

A: You can find information about your host university in “Find your destination”. Make sure to check the Fact sheet. You will find application instructions and the deadline under Application to host university.

Find your destination

Q: I need an Insurance Certificate, a Certificate of English Proficiency or a Nomination Letter for the application to my host university. Where can I find these documents?

A: These documents are available for download in SoleMOVE. After logging in and selecting your application (click the small pencil), you will find them under the tab Enclosures, on top of the page.

If you can not find the documents, please contact the International Desk

SoleMOVE –

The International Desk –

Q: I need a signed and stamped transcript from Lund University for my application to my host university. Who do I contact?

A: We recommend you to download a verifiable transcript of records (Ladokutdrag) from Ladok. This is accepted by most universities. If you host university does not accept the digital transcript, kindly contact the International Desk to receive a signed and stamped copy.

The International Desk –

Q: I need more information about studying at my host university (for example about housing or applying for courses). Who do I contact?

A: The International Office at your host university can give you up-to-date information about practical and academic issues. Some universities are closed during the summer, but most information is available on their website for incoming exchange students or in their Fact sheets in SoleMOVE. If you are looking for general advice on finding accommodation etc, you can also read the travel reports from previous students from Lund.

Travel reports –

Course Selection

Q: What can I study during my exchange? 

A: Visit the page in Canvas

Choose your courses -

Q: How do I know if a course is eligible for credit transfer?  

A:  The general guidelines are that courses cannot overlap with previously studied or future courses, the courses must be completed and must correspond to Swedish higher education studies. More information via the link above. 

Cancelling your exchange

Q: What do I do if I want to cancel my exchange?

A: If you decide that you do not want to (or no longer can) go on your exchange semester, please notify the LUSEM International Office by email. We will then notify your host university.

outgoing [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se

Q: Will I automatically lose my exchange seat, if I accept a spot at a course in Lund?

A: No, you will not lose your exchange seat if you accept a spot at a course, but please don’t forget to give up your spot (so that another student can be admitted instead) if you decide to go on your exchange.

Questions related to the Erasmus+ mobility grant and Online Learning Agreement

Q: Where do I find information about the Erasmus+ mobility grant?

A: Information about the mobility grant is available on Lund University's webpage and in Canvas. The grant is not administered by the International Office at LUSEM, so if you experience any problems with your application, please contact:

erasmusstudier [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (erasmusstudier[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)

Erasmus+ grant for exchange studies –

Finance your exchange -

Q: When will my application for Erasmus be processed?

A: Your application will be processed earliest in August, so don’t worry if your application status does not change right away.

Q: Where do I find information about my Online Learning Agreement (OLA)?

A: Information about the Online Learning Agreement is available in Canvas. 

Learning agreement -

Q: When do I have to submit my Online Learning Agreement?

A: We don't require you to submit your OLA until you know what courses you will be studying. It is not required to have an OLA in place in order to apply for the Erasmus+ grant, so you can go ahead and apply for the grant without worrying about the OLA.

After your exchange

Q: What do I have to do to get my courses transferred to Ladok? 

A: In order for you to get your credits transferred in Ladok you need to follow the steps below. 

  1. Submit your travel report.
  2. Make sure your OLA been signed by all parties (Erasmus only) and that we have received a copy.
  3. Apply for your credit transfer and upload a verified digital copy of your transcript or send us a link from where we can download your transcript.

Travel reports –

Transfer your credits –

Q: My courses have not been added to Ladok yet. Does this mean that I will not be able to receive CSN? 

A: Before your courses are transferred to Ladok, you can show the transcript of records to CSN to prove that you have been a student during the previous semester and thereby continue to receive your monthly payments. 

Q: Who performs the credit transfer and how long does it usually take? 

A: The credit transfer is carried out by the International Office at LUSEM and usually takes 4-8 weeks to complete, depending on the type of case, when the students submit their travel report and the time of semester.


Contact – International Office

Administration of international study opportunities

LUSEM students:
outgoing [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (outgoing[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se)

Incoming exchange students:
incoming [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (incoming[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se) 

You can reach us on the phone during our drop-in office hours:
+ 46 46 222 33 44

In the event of serious illness, admission to hospital or other active assistance in the country of study, contact Falck Global Assistance.

Falck Global Assistance
Telephone: +46 8 587 71749
E-mail: fga [at] se [dot] falck [dot] com (fga[at]se[dot]falck[dot]com)

Falck Global Assistance is available 24/7. 

Incoming team

For incoming exchange students to LUSEM

Lotta Olsson
International Coordinator
Partner contact for North America, Africa, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands
E-mail: incoming [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (incoming[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se) 
Phone: +46 46 222 32 54
Room EC1:306

Katarina Follin
International Coordinator
Partner contact for Asia and Latin America
E-mail: incoming [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (incoming[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se) 
Phone: +46 46 222 94 95
Room EC1:307

Outgoing team

International opportunities for LUSEM students

Sara Svensson
International Coordinator
Partner contact for Oceania, United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Finland
E-mail: outgoing [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (outgoing[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 34 41
Room EC1:304

Sofia Mackenzie Thornton 
International Coordinator
Partner contact for Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Spain
E-mail: outgoing [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (outgoing[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se) 
Phone: +46 46 222 94 87
Room EC1:303


Ulrika Qvist Mathiesen
Head of the International Office 
E-mail: ulrika [dot] qvist_mathiesen [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (ulrika[dot]qvist_mathiesen[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 32 59
Room EC1:305

Visiting address:

Holger Crafoords Ekonomicentrum
Building 1 (EC1), 3rd floor
Tycho Brahes väg 1, Lund

Registered mail (for example transcripts) and parcels:

International Office
School of Economics and Management, Lund University
Ole Römers väg 2
223 63 Lund, Sweden

Postal address:

International Office
School of Economics and Management, Lund University
Box 7080, SE-220 07 Lund