Swedish Historical Regional Accounts 1571–2020

The Swedish Historical Regional Accounts 1571–2020, released in 2014 and 2018, presents a database with regional GDPs for 24 countries. Please cite this database as: Enflo, K., Henning, M. & Schön, L. (2014) ”Swedish Regional GDP 1855–2000: Estimations and General Trends in the Swedish Regional System”. In Christopher Hanes, Susan Wolcott (ed.) Research in Economic History, vol 30, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.47–89, and Enflo K, A Missiaia (2018), “Regional GDP estimates for Sweden, 1571-1850.” Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 51:2, 115-137, where the principles for the construction of the data are also to be found.
Description and specification of the latest 2023 update can be found in Nilsson, et. al. (2023) "Swedish Historical Regional Accounts. 2023 Update, Revision and Underlying Principles".
Financial support from the Swedish Research Council, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and Länsförsäkringars Forskningsfond is gratefully acknowledged.
2014 © The authors
Kerstin Enflo, Martin Henning and Lennart Schön
2018 © The authors
Kerstin Enflo and Anna Missiaia
Tables 1571―2020
The Complete Data Set
Table 1. GDP per county, Factor prices, Mill. SEK, Current.
Table 2. GDP per county, Factor prices, Mill. SEK, Constant Prices (1910/12 Price Level).
Table 3. Population per county
Table 4. Employment in agriculture
Table 5. Employment in industry
Table 6. Employment in private services
Table 7. Employment in public services
Kerstin Enflo
Phone: +46 46 222 74 91
Room: Alfa1:2096
Documentation and Publications
Documentation and Publications
Nilsson, C., Enflo, K., Lobell, H. and Krantz, O. (2023), "Swedish Historical Regional Accounts. 2023 Update, Revision and Underlying Principles" Mimeo, Department of Economic History, Lund University.
Enflo K, A Missiaia (2018), “Regional GDP estimates for Sweden, 1571-1850.” Historical Methods.
Enflo K, A Missiaia (2017), Between Malthus and the industrial take-off: regional inequality in Sweden, 1571-1850, Lund Papers in Economic History 168.
Enflo K, A Missiaia (2017), Regional GDP estimates for Sweden, 1571-1850. Lund Papers in Economic History 162.
Enflo, K., Henning, M. & Schön, L. (2014), "Swedish Regional GDP 1855–2000: Estimations and General Trends in the Swedish Regional System" in Christopher Hanes, Susan Wolcott (ed.) Research in Economic History, Volume 30, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.47-89.
Enflo, K. and Rosés, J. R. (2014), "Coping with regional inequality in Sweden: structural change, migrations, and policy, 1860–2000." The Economic History Review. doi: 10.1111/1468-0289.12049
Henning, M. Enflo, K., & Andersson, F.N.G. (2011), "Trends and cycles in regional economic growth: How spatial differences shaped the Swedish growth experience from 1860–2009" in Explorations in Economic History, Volume 48, Issue 4, December 2011, Pages 538–555.