Retail Innovation
Retail Knowledge Bank
Retail is not just stores. It is a complex system of producers, suppliers, and distributers who all deliver innovative consumer solutions. It is, therefore, essential for retailers to understand how to work with innovation, how to manage innovative relationships, and how to put innovative knowledge into practice.
Within the Retail Innovation research theme, our researchers have studied how retail works with innovation and change on a strategic and organisational level. We have also examined how to manage innovation and change on the shop floor.
You can find the output of this research in the reports, blogs, and videos on this page.
Seeing the Grocery Store with Fresh Eyes
The physical retail store is always changing. In the future, stores will not simply be places to buy products. They will have more roles than we can ever imagine. In this blog post from 2022, Martin Moström the founder of shopper marketing agency Retail House, explains how in-store innovations should consider the variety of purposes that the stores of the future will play in our communities.
Consumer trust
Trust is perhaps the most important component in the retailer-consumer relationship. At the same time, the digitalisation of retail generates large amounts of data that offer innovative analytical possibilities. Access to data is necessary for developing services and individualising retail offerings but how do consumers feel about the ways in which their data is used by retailers?
In this blog from 2020, Stefan Larsson discussed the challenges of data and trust in retailing.
From continuous improvement to systematic innovation in retail: Utopia or opportunity?
Recent developments, such as increased competition, sustainability, and digitisation, have raised questions about retail's long-term competitiveness and its capacity for systematic innovation. But how do retailers view innovation and what are the conditions necessary for innovation to thrive?
Malin Olander Roese explains more in this blog post from 2021.
Winning the in-store battle
Watch our 60-minute webinar on shopper marketing

Innovation in Retail
Read the report (pdf, in Swedish) summarising the findings of the Centre's research into retail innovation.

Building innovation capability in retail
Innovation is increasingly a key issue for retail. This PhD dissertation investigates how innovation capacity can be developed in large, established retail players with a traditional organisational structure.
Successful warehouse automation in theory and practice
Listen to researchers Joakim Kembro and Andreas Norrman present (in Swedish) recent research on the impact of automation on trade's profitability, competitiveness, and sustainability.