ASKS - Academic Skills Services
Academic Skills Services (ASKS) provides free and confidential learning support, in English and Swedish, for all students at LUSEM. ASKS are available for consultations, arranges Studiestugan for assistance from study mentors, and also host a series of reading and writing retreats in the LUSEM library.

Support available
- Consultations for individuals or small groups
- Online chat via the ASKS Canvas page
- Comprehensive online resources for academic writing, referencing, study skills, reading and critical thinking etc.
- Workshops on various academic skills, in English and Swedish
- Reading and writing retreats
- Writing clinics for thesis support (April-June)
- Arranger of Studiestugan for assistance from study mentors
ASKS Canvas page
Enrol in ASKS on Canvas to access the Teaching and Learning platform.
Book a consultation
ASKS offers individual and small-group consultations. All consultations are made by appointment.
Book a consultation with ASKS (online form)
You need to bring:
- A copy of your work (at any stage of development)
- A copy of the assignment guidelines
- Your specific questions
- Any other material you consider relevant to the task
Please check the ASKS Teaching and Learning platform on Canvas before making a booking as these resources may answer your questions.
Contact Academic Skills Services
Hanna Glad
Language and study consultant
Garo Harwood
Educational developer
Find us above LUSEM Learning Hub in Alfa 6.
Scheelevägen 15H, Lund.
Reading and writing retreats
When: See dates below
Where: LUSEM Library
For whom: all students, including PhD students
- 12 February (9.00 to 12.00)
- 19 March (13.00 to 16.00)
- 1 April (13.00 to 16.00)
Sign up for 1 April here - 24 April (9.00 to 12.00)
- 15 May (9.00 to 12.00)
The LUSEM Harvard Referencing Style Guide (pdf, 3rd edition)
The Guide in PDF
Improve your learning strategies
At the Unit for Educational Services, you can find concrete tips on how to improve your learning strategies.