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Managing People, Knowledge & Change - Master's Programme

MSc in Business and Economics, major in Business Administration | 1 year | 60 credits

Graphic illustration Managing People, Knowledge & Change study programme

The Master’s programme in Managing People, Knowledge and Change enables you to pursue a career in fields such as management consultancy, strategy, human resources and general management.


Managing people, knowledge and change requires understanding of excellent leadership. This programme facilitates for learning about the relevance and significance of leadership by providing you with a better understanding of the various challenges facing the practising manager and consultant in contemporary organizations. It features a solid combination of both in-depth business knowledge and knowledge of human resources.

The programme draws inspiration from internationally recognised research areas of the professors on the programme. These include the fields of knowledge management, identity, organisational culture, human resource management, managerial work, leadership and strategic change. The programme emphasises the strategic nature of the contemporary challenges associated with managing organisations and work. You will learn how to apply theoretical concepts, models and tools in order to identify and solve real problems as they may appear in organisations. Emphasis on developing problem identification and problem-solving skills is commonly facilitated by drawing on a substantial number of written and real-life organisational case analyses and dialogues. While this provides an essential practical context to the learning experience it also supports and boost understanding of the significance of concepts, models and tools.

The programme aims at introducing, explaining and applying the methodological aspects of studying organisations, especially in terms of interventions aimed at bringing about organisational change.

We adopt a student-centred approach to teaching and learning. The aim is to increase your capacity for advanced problem identification and problem solving, resulting in improved decision-making abilities. These capacities are increasingly regarded as crucial to master, considering the many complex and tough challenges that modern organisations regularly face. Our courses are based on state-of-the-art research in each particular field, and we encourage students to improve their skills in terms of both critical thinking and practical application.

Following the idea of taking international inspiration, the program also has an established collaboration with the program Master Human Resources at Bologna Business School at Bologna University where we are currently developing exchange of students. Acknowledging for the importance of recognizing the challenges of contemporary organizations the program has also established collaborations with leading organizations in different industries. Among these are Capgemini, regularly visiting and conducting workshops and seminars around consultancy work and careers.

We adopt a student-centred approach to teaching and learning. The aim is to increase your capacity for advanced problem solving, resulting in better decision-making abilities. Our courses are based on state-of-the-art research in each particular field, and we encourage students to improve their skills in terms of both critical thinking and practical application.

This programme is for you who would like to master the process of organisational change and how to make it happen as a leader, manager or consultant.

International Master Class

Students with exceptional study results during the first semester at this programme, may compete for seats at the International Master Class programme. An International Master Class is a highly competitive opportunity to go on an exchange semester after finishing your Master’s studies at LUSEM. 

International Master Class (IMC) programme

Managing People, Knowledge & Change - Master's Programme


Master coordinator Business Administration
master [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se

The programme consists of several parts, each comprising distinct courses (in total 60 ECTS). Each part is presented below.

Autumn semester (September - October)

During the first period students will attend two core courses that introduce basic models and perspectives that will be of relevance throughout the programme.

The objective of the course is to enhance and deepen the students’ knowledge and understanding of knowledge-intensive firms and knowledge work in general. With a specific focus on the topic of knowledge, the course focuses on managing and leading knowledge-intensive organizations and also addresses the significance of the knowledge workers.

Knowledge workers are discussed in comparison with “traditional” professions, which, in different dimensions, give additional insight to the distinctiveness of the knowledge worker. The empirical emphasis is on the business sector, but a range of different occupations and organizations are addressed: management consultancy, high tech, accounting, and health care.

Course code: BUSN40 | Download syllabus

The objective of the course is to provide students with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge on understanding how and why organisations change, organizationally as well as strategically. It deals in particular with techniques for intervention in organisations for managers and consultants alike. Practical knowledge is supplemented by reflections on development and change from various research perspectives. Empirical investigations include entrepreneurial firms, global business and public-sector organisations including health care.

Course code: BUSN41 | Download syllabus

Autumn semester (November - January)

The second period introduces elective courses, where you choose two out of three available courses that run parallel during the second half of the semester.

This course examines the complex relationship between business and society, focusing on the social responsibilities of contemporary corporations. The course presents and investigates a variety of various theoretical perspectives, such as ethical theories and CSR, as well as real-life case studies (e.g. McDonald’s).

The course addresses questions such as:

  • What is the purpose of business?
  • Is CSR good for business?
  • How can CSR be managed in practice?
  • What is the responsibility of the consumer?

Empirically, the course addresses a number of different organizations within the global business sector as well as within the public sector.

Course code: BUSN43 | Download syllabus

The course aims to provide a comprehensive insight into theories and practices of how ideas are generated, evaluated and facilitated in an organizational context. To pursue this aim, the course is divided into five distinct themes. 

  • The first theme discusses the nature of creativity by learning about different conceptions of creativity based on interactionist theories, design thinking, organizational culture and process theories. 
  • The second theme covers the generation of ideas by exploring different organizational contexts, the role of time and objects as well as the interaction with others. 
  • The third theme discusses the evaluation of ideas by examining different values and orders of worth that can be used to evaluate ideas. It further explores tension as a central aspect for creative processes and a typology of evaluation practices. 
  • The fourth theme looks at how to organize creativity by discussing management, leadership, teams and networks as modes of coordination and their specific function when trying to influence creative processes. The theme also covers paradox as an inherent aspect of organizing in general and organizing creativity in particular and how to deal productively with paradoxes. 
  • The fifth theme shifts the perspective to the socio-economic context of creativity and critically reflects values and purposes of organizing creativity in a capitalist system and present alternative ways of understanding and facilitating creativity.

Course code: BUSO48 | Download syllabus

The objective of this course is to facilitate the understanding of the significance of HR issues in contemporary business life.

The course focuses on a range of questions such as:

  • What are the strategies for human resources management?
  • Which strategies are appropriate in which types of organizations?
  • What is the significance of viewing people as “resources”?
  • How and with what consequences are people managed strategically in organizations?
  • How is strategic human resources management related to issues of gender and diversity in organizations?
  • Are models of human resources management sufficiently people-oriented?

The course is based on cases drawn from both the private and public sectors and aims at facilitating the integration of theory and practice.

Course code: BUSN44 | Download syllabus

Spring semester (January - March)

This period focuses on research methodology and advanced organisation theory.

The objectives of this course are exploring and sharing discoveries! Learn about yourself and others as a team of experienced teachers guide you through the philosophical landscapes and practical applications of qualitative research. Develop the language, knowledge and skills to articulate how various paradigms shape how you see the world around you. In addition, learn how to conduct interviews, make organizational observations, analyse empirical materials and become a more reflexive and ‘interesting’ writer. Along the way, expect to challenge your conventions, engage your curiosity and develop your scholarly voice. 

Course code: BUSN46 | Download syllabus

The course concerns leadership – especially managers’ efforts at exercising it – in organizational contexts. This means that leadership is set in a variety of contexts in order to facilitate for understanding how leadership both influences and is influenced by broader organizational, societal and cultural conditions.

The course examines how societal, industry and organizational contexts frame and influence  leadership. Elements such as strategy, structures, personnel, competence, and culture are central in order to understand leadership. For example, organizational culture in terms of ideas and norms informs how leadership should be exercised. The course also discusses the significance of the relational character of leadership as well as the importance of communication.

As the course emphasizes the relational character, it becomes highly important to understand the follower's response when targeted for leadership efforts. It is not only important what the managers do, but also how followers relate to that. The course emphasizes how followers are co-creators of leadership relations. The course also examines how leadership may productively be understood as a distinct form of coordination, with a focus on meaning, morals and emotions. Following that, the voluntary aspect of leadership relations is strongly emphasized.

The course also discusses some varieties of leadership, discussed by drawing upon metaphorical thinking, such as the leader as a pedagogue, a party-host or a prophet. In addition to that, the course also emphasize alternatives to leadership as means of accomplishing coordination in organizations. These alternatives - such as management or teamwork – are discussed as alternatives partly in order to facilitate a distinctive understanding of leadership as powerful form of coordination.

A central theme at the course revolves around managerial work and expectations of managers to exercise leadership. Following that, the course also emphasizes the more stressful aspects of managerial work and how managers work with their identity in order to secure some coherence and stability at work. A key theme is that it is important to understand how managers interpret and understand the idea of being a leader exercising leadership.

Course code: BUSN47 | Download syllabus

Spring semester (April - June)

The last study period will focus entirely on the degree project. We expect students to formulate a clear and researchable research question at the beginning of this final period. The topic will be selected from a list of broad themes specified by the available supervisors.

The main objective of this course is to develop students’ ability to conduct an independent scientific study that includes developing relevant research questions, and to design and conduct a study that addresses the questions based upon appropriate methodological considerations and relevant theories. The course facilitates independent work in smaller groups where students design and conduct their own study. This includes searching for literature on the appropriate theoretical area as well as on research methodology, and collecting relevant empirical data through field studies and documentary research. 

Course code: BUSN49 | Download syllabus

Case studies and guest speakers

The teaching methods used focus on the critical analysis of the course content with the use of real case studies wherever possible.  International guest lecturers and speakers from business, government, NGOs and research regularly feature as part of the curriculum to further connect studies to the professional world.

This master programme particularly opened many career doors for me. LUSEM is very well known throughout the Nordic countries. I received several trainee offers and all of the companies knew that graduates from LUSEM are educated with high standards.

– Fiora Cheng (China)


Read the interview with alumna Fiora, who studied the Master's in Managing People Knowledge and Change at

The programme is a great opportunity to become critical and develop the ability to look at the world through different “glasses”. Topics such as knowledge management, organisational development, corporate social responsibility and leadership have provided me with new insights and a different perspective on the world.

– Sharon Postma (the Netherlands)

Why did you choose this programme?

“I was in London for the last part of my Bachelor’s in International Hospitality Management, and wanted to continue combining studies with international adventures. When looking at universities throughout Scandinavia, the Master’s in Managing People, Knowledge and Change caught my eye. The reason I chose this area is due to the fact that I was intrigued by the way the classes are organised and structured.

I took a leap of faith and waited for the next application period, even though I had to postpone my Master’s studies a year. Ever since getting accepted to the programme and after arriving in Lund, I have definitely not regretted my decision!”

How is the programme?

“The programme is a great opportunity to become critical and develop the ability to look at the world through different “glasses”. Topics such as knowledge management, organisational development, corporate social responsibility and leadership have provided me with new insights and a different perspective on the world, and I am sure that I can use this in the future in both my career as well as my personal life.

The people in my class are the perfect example of a knowledge-sharing class and everyone is willing to help and support each other, share good articles or other study-related material. Throughout the year we have worked together in international and interdisciplinary groups for different projects, through which we got to know each other better. My classmates have been super engaged to make this a great year together, both in class as outside of the university. Since we are graduating soon, I am super curious to see where we will all be in a couple of years! My plans are gaining experience within international and diverse teams related to change management for the coming years, and in the future, I am planning to start my own company.”

Witnessing the chaos and disruption that organisational change can induce first-hand inspired me to study this programme in order to understand not only my own experience, but how to help organisations in the future better implement organisational change.

– Jack McMenzie (UK)

Why did you choose this programme?

“I was born here in Sweden and lived here for a few years, so it’s great to be back in the country where it all started for me! I have a Bachelor’s in Business Management from the UK. During my studies, I spent a year working in a technology company in London as an intern, where I was subject to a radical organisational change programme which, well let’s just say, wasn’t executed so well. Witnessing the chaos and disruption that organisational change can induce first-hand inspired me to study this programme in order to understand not only my own experience, but how to help organisations in the future better implement organisational change.”

How is the programme?

“In terms of the theoretical approach, which is rooted in organisational development, leadership and management – I think there is a huge emphasis on reflectivity and being critical. What I mean by this is avoiding taking things at face value and to instead explore alternatives and question your assumptions. I think this is important not only when it comes to writing a paper, but to also become a more well-rounded person who is keen to explore things in your own unique way.

If I had to pick one word to describe the Swedish approach to teaching (at least at the postgraduate level), I would say it’s very friendly. Coming from undergraduate studies with around 200 people, to a Master’s programme nudging just above 50 people was a great experience. The class is diverse, with newly graduated students all the way to experienced fighter pilots – and everything in between. The seminars are in small groups of 15–20 which is great for learning and getting to know your classmates. The teachers are fantastic at what they do and have matching enthusiasm. There’s a good balance between individual and group work, with most group work occurring in the seminars. The workload is definitely a step up from the Bachelor’s level (lots more reading), but the variety of work and the interesting topics you’ll cover make it really fun.”

What are your recommendations for future Lund University students?

“Despite being heavily involved in the student union Lundaekonomerna at Lund University School of Economics and Management, I was able to achieve my desired grades while also making the most of the amazing student life here. I want to stress how great the student experience is too. From this I’ve made friends for life and have had unforgettable experiences and I encourage you to do the same to get the most out of Lund besides a great degree!”

The Master’s programme in Managing People, Knowledge and Change enables you to pursue a career in a variety of fields such as general management, strategy, human resources, sustainability, marketing, project and change management as well as consultancy.

The programme provides knowledge and experiences that will prepare you for future management positions in a broad range of industries and organisations such as banking, finance, consulting, health and beauty, retailing and consumer products companies as well as in entrepreneurial endeavours and start-ups all over the world. Some common organizations that you will find graduates of the programme working in are Accenture, PwC, Earnest & Young, Nordea, IKEA, Cap Gemini, L’Oréal, Deloitte and Handelsbanken.

Programme requirements & documents

Managing People, Knowledge & Change - Master's Programme

Selection to this programme

We normally look for undergraduates with excellent results from an internationally-recognised university. When assessing your academic record, we take into account your grade average, position in class, your statement of purpose and the standing of the institution where you studied your qualification.

Undergraduates are recommended to have a minimum average grade equivalent to 3.0 in cumulative grade point average (CGPA) out of 4, C in the ECTS grading scale, and B in the American grading scale.

GMAT and GRE aptitude tests

We do not require a GMAT or GRE score but a well-balanced score may strengthen your application to this particular programme.

GMAT and GRE aptitude tests