Courses in statistics
The department of Statistics offers courses on bachelor's level as well as on advanced level. It is also possible to continue with a post graduate degree.
- Beginner's Level Courses
- Bachelor Level Courses
- Course Package on Bachelor Level
- Advanced Level Courses
- Course Package on Advancel Level
Beginner's level courses
- Grundkurs, 30 hp (STAA40) (SWE)
- Grundkurs 1, 15 hp (STAA41)(SWE)
- Business Statistics I, 7.5 cr (STAA45) (ENG)
Bachelor Level Courses
The courses have different prerequisits. Follow the links for more information and application through Lund University.
- Grundkurs 2, 15 hp (STAA42) (SWE)
- Statistisk teori, 7.5 hp (STAG31) (SWE)
- Regressionsanalys, 7.5 hp (STAG33) (SWE)
- Programmering för statistiker, 7.5 hp (STAG35) (SWE)
- Kandidatuppsats, 15 hp (STAH11) (SWE)
- Sannolikhetslära och inferensteori, 7.5 hp (STAH12) (SWE)
- Tidsserieanalys, 7.5 hp (STAH14)(SWE)
- Bayesian Methods, 7.5 cr (STAE02) (ENG)
- Business Analytics, 7.5 cr (STAE03) (ENG)
- Data Visualisation, 4 cr (STAE04) (ENG)
- Statistical Methods for Marketing Science, 7.5 cr (STAR10) (ENG)
Course Packages on Bachelor Level
- Fortsättningskurser i statistik, 31-60 hp (in Swedish)
- Kandidatkurser i statistik, 61-90 hp (in Swedish)
Advanced Level Courses
The courses have different prerequisits. Follow the links for more information and application through Lund University.
- Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Methods, 7.5 cr (STAN47) (ENG)
- Programming for Data Science, 7.5 cr (STAN48) (ENG)
- Analysis of Textual Data, 7.5 cr (STAN49) (ENG)
- Machine Learning from a Regression Perspective, 7.5 cr (STAN51) (ENG)
- Advanced Machine Learning, 7.5 cr (STAN52) (ENG)
- High-dimensional Data Analysis, 7.5 cr (STAN53) (ENG)
- First Year Master Thesis, 15 cr (STAN40) (ENG)
- Second Year Master Thesis, 15 cr, STAP40) (ENG)