Exams office
The Exams office
The LUSEM exams office is found on the balcony above the atrium Ljusgården in EC1 (EC1:237). At the exams office, you can pick up written exams from the Department of Economics.
The Exams office is open Tuesdays at 10:30-12:30. On some occasions the exam office is open on other days as well - you will find all occasions in TimeEdit.
Please contact the specific department for written exams in:
Pick up written exam
To pick up your written exam, you need to show your ID (passport/driving license/identification card) and sign the exam coversheet. You can pick up a friend’s exam as well but a power of attorney is needed as well as ID cards for both of you.
Contact the Exams office
Examoffice [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Examoffice[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)