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Practical study information

Department of Economics

For students who are registered on courses at the Department of Economics, all course and program related information such as syllabus, schedule, literature, rules and other information is available via the student portal Canvas.

Below you find various practical information - for current as well as for potential students.

If you have questions about course registrations, result registrations, exams, essays or similar you should contact relevant study administrator below. For questions about courses, course structure, your studies and similar you should contact the Department's study adviser. For specific questions regarding ongoing courses you should contact the relevant lecturer.   

Study Administrator, Azra Padjan (Basic and intermediate studies): 
E-mail: Azra [dot] Padjan [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Azra[dot]Padjan[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)
Room: EC1:287
Phone: 046-222 8663

• Admission
• Course registration
• Results

Study Administrator, Peter Schüller
E-mail: Peter [dot] Sch%C3%BCller [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter.Schüller[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)
Room: EC1:286
Phone: 046-222 3608

  • Essays
  • Distance learning courses

Study Administrator and Programme Coordinator, Ulf Persson (Master level studies)
E-mail: Ulf [dot] Persson [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulf[dot]Persson[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se) 
Room: EC1:283
Phone: 046-222 4290

• Admission
• Course registration
• Results
• Exams

Study Adviser, PhD Mårten Wallette
E-mail: Studievagledare [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Studievagledare[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)
Room: EC1:289
Phone: 046-222 8675

Assistant study director, PhD Karin Bergman
E-mail: Karin [dot] Bergman [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Karin[dot]Bergman[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)
Office: EC1:269
Phone: +46 46 222 4974

Director of Studies, PhD Pontus Hansson
E-mail: Pontus [dot] Hansson [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Pontus[dot]Hansson[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)
Room: EC1:288
Phone: 046-222 7914

• Overall responsible for the education, courses, teachers et cetera 

The Department of Economic uses web registration for courses via ladok in the student portal.

Web registration 
Your student account at Lund University is used for logging on to the student portal and to access the Ladok function – where you submit your course registration during the registration period.

Student account at LU

Information on how to submit a course registration

Web registration – conditionally admitted 
If you have a conditionally admission, i.e. if you are admitted to a course but not yet fulfil the stated prerequisites, you cannot submit a web registration. When you try to register a message will appear stating that registration is not possible. If you have a conditionally admission, you must contact the Department of Economics no later than the final registration day – in order to keep you place on the course (given that you fulfil the prerequisites when the course commences). 

If you are planning to take an exam on a course that you have previously been registered on, you must first re-register on that course in order to get access to the relevant Canvas page and the course information. You re-register for a course via ladok in the student portal. 

As a re-registered student you can participate in lectures if there are places available. Please note that it is your own responsibility to check with the lecturer for specific information (if any) for re-registered students.

Student portal at LU

Information about how to re-register

Schedules for courses you are registered on are available via Canvas. Schedules for all the courses at the Department are available via the schedule generator TimeEdit. You enter the course code for the specific course you want to schedule for.


Literature lists

Literature lists Spring term 2025
Basic course: NEKA61-NEKA64.
Intermediate level courses: NEKGxx-NEKHxx.
Advanced level courses: NEKNxx-NEKPxx.

MSc in Finance.
MSc in Data Analytics and Business Economics.

Literature lists Autumn term 2024
Basic course: NEKA61-NEKA64.
International Economics: SASE31.
Intermediate level courses: NEKGxx-NEKHxx.
Advanced level courses: NEKNxx-NEKPxx.

MSc in Finance.
MSc in Data Analytics and Business Economics.
Course curricula
If you are currently registered for courses at the Department of Economics, you can find the course curriculum for a specific course via the course page on Canvas. 

Current and older curricula are also available via Lund University course curricula system. You enter the course code for the curriculum you are looking for.

Search for syllabus

Registration for exams
You have to sign up for an exam. You sign up for an exam via ladok in the student portal at least one week in advance. 

Examples of previous written exams
On the Canvas course pages you find a link to examples of previous written exams. The database contains exams from the previous two years. Please note, however, that those exams are not part of the course literature and should only be used as examples of written exams. 

Rules concerning written exams
There are a number of rules associated with written exams that you must follow in order to take the exam, see rules and regulations

During the term you can collect your written exam at the Exam Office, which is located in room EC1:237 (on the "mezzanine level" in the Atrium in EC1).

For the Exam Office's opening hours, see TimeEdit.

For questions, please contact the exam office: examoffice [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (examoffice[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)

Request for change of grade ENG.pdf

Data Science Hub

The LUSEM Data Science Hub connects LUSEM students who are passionate about data science and provide support in quantitative applications and software.

Data Science Hub


Study Administrator
Basic and intermediate studies
Azra Padjan

Study Administrator
Essays and distance learning courses
Peter Schüller

Study Adviser
Mårten Wallette

Assistant study director 
Karin Bergman

Director of Studies
Pontus Hansson