Courses for incoming exchange students
The School of Economics and Management offers a wide range of courses in English for exchange students.
Our courses – an overview
At the School, we have five different course levels with prerequisites as stated in the course list:
- A - Introductory, undergraduate
- B - Intermediate, undergraduate
- B/C - Intermediate/specialization, undergraduate
- C - Specialization, undergraduate
- D - Advanced, graduate
- A full semester workload for all students is 30 credits per semester. In order to maintain a full-time status for Residence Permit holders, you must be admitted to 30 credits per semester.
Most course seats are at the undergraduate/bachelor level. Seat availability cannot be guaranteed.
A-level: Introductory, undergraduate
- No pre-requisites needed.
B-level: Intermediate, undergraduate
- Courses on the B-level have pre-requisites of courses from the A-level in the same subject area.
B/C-level: Specialization, undergraduate
- B/C-level means that the courses can be taken with less pre-requisites than a C-level course, but are as specialized as the C-level courses.
- Courses on the B/C-level have courses from the A or B-level as pre-requisites.
C-level: Specialization, undergraduate
- Courses on the C-level have courses from the B-level as pre-requisites.
- The C-level course is usually 30 ECTS in total, consisting of 15 ECTS of course work and 15 ECTS of a Bachelor's thesis. Exchange students are welcome to study parts of the C-level courses (usually 7.5 ECTS).
D-level - Advanced, graduate
- Courses on the D-level have courses from the C-level as pre-requisites. Admittance to graduate level courses is limited to graduate-level students as per the agreement with our partners, and prerequisites have to be fulfilled. Admittance is made on a case to case basis. Priority is given to students coming on a faculty to faculty agreement.
Course List
Not all courses offered in English at LUSEM are open to exchange students, only the ones you can find in the course list.
- Course List: LUSEM exchange students 2024/2025 (PDF)
- Course List: LUSEM exchange students 2025/2026 (PDF)
SAS (Special Area Studies)
Find more information about SAS courses:
Special Area Studies (SAS) course -
Swedish language courses
As an added value to the student exchange programme and to awaken an interest in the language and culture of the host country, as well as to facilitate communication, Lund University offers Swedish Language courses to exchange students.
About 50 % of the incoming exchange students who apply to these courses will be fortunate to obtain a place. Unfortunately, there are insufficient economic resources to offer a place to every student who wishes to learn Swedish. These courses are normally outside the scope of the exchange agreements, which means that exchange students cannot demand a place on these courses.
SUSA Introductory courses in Swedish
The SUSA course is a language course that gives a short introduction to the Swedish language for exchange students and is part of the Orientation Programme activities before the semester starts. This course is not part of your regular semester course load, but a successful exam will result in 3 ECTS credits which will be included in your transcript. You sign up for the SUSA course in our on-line course application. Most students who sign up for the course are offered a seat.
SUSA: A short introduction -
Swedish language courses (SVEE-courses)
If you want your Swedish studies to be part of your study plan during the regular semester, apply for the Swedish language courses (SVEE-courses) (7.5 credits each), in the online course application at the same time as you apply for your other courses.
Students who include the Swedish course as part of their regular study plan will be prioritized for a seat. If there are seats available, you can take the course as an extra course on top of your 30 ECTS credits.
SVEE: Swedish language courses -
Courses at other faculties
Students nominated through a LUSEM exchange agreement are expected to take the majority of their courses at the School of Economics and Management. You can apply for any of the courses in English open to exchange students at Lund University and combine them with your courses at the School of Economics and Management. Application for courses outside the School of Economics and Management is subject to availability and course requirements.
Find exchange courses -
Subject-wise prerequisites must be met for each course. You can find some prerequisites in the course list and some on the links below. Please be aware that you can only take courses listed in the cours list for incoming exchange.
- Courses in Business Administration: Click on the course title in the course list to read the course syllabus.
- Courses in Economics: Click on the course title in the course list to read the course syllabus.
- Courses in Business Law: Click on the course title in the course list to read the course syllabus.
For detailed information please click on the link below and choose "Courses offered in informatics through LUSEM Exchange partners"
- Courses in Informatics
- Courses in Economic History
- Courses in Statistics
Grades and credits
Grades are awarded in accordance with a criterion-based grading scale A-F at Lund University School of Economics and Management.
Period 1: September–October
Period 2: November–January
Period 3: January–March
Period 4: April–June
Undergraduate level (UG) courses in Period 2 usually end with exams before Christmas. No graduate level (G) courses are offered in Period 4 of the Spring semester. We therefore recommend graduate-level students to only come in the autumn semester, or to be flexible and be able to transfer undergraduate level courses back into their programme.
You are asked to carefully select your courses, in total adding up to 30 ECTS-credits, and seek approval from your home university of your courses BEFORE applying online.
- You need to apply for an "even" study plan, normally this means two courses in the first study period and two courses in the second study period of the semester.
- You must also state two alternatives per course, i.e. 12 courses in total (4 courses as your first hand choice, 8 alternative courses). If you need to apply for up to 5 courses in order to reach 30 ECTS-credits, this is accepted.
- We do not have a first come first served application, so stating two alternatives per course is a regular procedure and a requirement to secure that you will be admitted to a full study workload in case you do not meet the pre-requisites for some courses, or if a course is withdrawn or over applied for.
For Erasmus students only:
Online Learning Agreement (OLA) - Responsible Person & Administrative Contact Person
Name: LUSEM, International Office
Position: International Coordinator
Email: incoming [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se
Phone number: +46 46 222 33 44
A document that provides information that you meet the course admission requirements.
Fill in the eligibility form below and upload it in your application. It should contain information regarding the courses that you have taken (or are taking) that are relevant as pre-requisites to LUSEM courses of your interest.
Mandatory for all students that want to pursue courses in with pre-requisites.
Step1: Eligibility form - instructions (PDF)
Step2: Eligibility form (PDF)
Build a preliminary schedule
The schedules will not be available until approximately one month before the courses start. Consequently, you must choose courses based upon the applicable study period, as stated in the course list. The safest way to avoid conflicting schedules is to choose courses from the course list with the same prefix (FEK, NEK, EKH etc), level (A, B, B/C, C, D) within the same period.
If you have schedule clashes with compulsory elements, you must apply for course changes in the Pre-Registration form sent to all LUSEM exchange students before Pre-Registration Day in Lund.
Go to TimeEdit and choose the relevant semester. In TimeEdit you will find the courses for LUSEM. Courses at other faculties may appear in TimeEdit, but if there is no match you will have to find the schedules for these courses separately.
School of Economics and Management: Schedule -
- Type the course code or part of the course name. Choose the correct course by clicking on it and it will show up under MY CRITERIA.
- Repeat step 2 until you have all the courses that you want to look up and then press SHOW SCHEDULE.
- In order to see if there are course clashes, it is easier to look at the schedule on a weekly basis. Go to the bottom right corner and switch view to Graphical.
Download the instructions below for more guidance:
How to find schedules in TimeEdit(PDF)
If you have schedule clashes with compulsory elements, you must apply for course changes in the Pre-Registration form sent to all LUSEM exchange students before Pre-Registration Day in Lund. All course changes are subject to availability.
If courses overlap
Look for occasions where courses overlap and follow these recommendations:
Only a few overlaps? No problem.
If courses only overlap 2-3 times, it is usually not a problem, but if there are more overlaps, you should consider changing one of your courses. For missed lectures, make sure to make up what you missed, check with other students on the course.Introduction meetings or first lectures have COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE! If you have overlapping introduction meetings, try to participate a little in both meetings if possible. Make sure to inform the lecturer beforehand, so that you do not lose your seat in the course. Check with a friend what was said if you cannot attend both meetings.
- Overlaps with mandatory seminars or exams are not allowed.
If your schedule overlaps with mandatory seminars or exams, you have to apply for a course change. If you miss a mandatory part of the course, you may not get a chance for a re-take, and therefore not a passing grade. Oral exams are usually scheduled for a full day, but you only have to sign up for a slot. Choose a time that works with your schedule. Overlaps with different seminar groups is not a problem, Choose the group that fits your schedule best.
Change of courses
Changes to courses can only be made closer to semester start, before arrival in Lund through an online Pre-Registration Form.
Information on how to apply for course changes will be sent to students after the Letter of Acceptance is sent out (in May for Autumn semester and November for Spring semester).
There is no time to check approval with your home university upon arrival in Lund, so all course changes have to be pre-approved by your home university.
Changes upon arrival in Lund are subject to availability, most courses are already full at that time, so make sure to select your courses carefully during the regular application period.
Navigation for incoming LUSEM students
International Office
Lund University School of Economics and Management
incoming [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se
You can reach us on the phone during our visiting hours:
+ 46 46 222 33 44
Course List
Not all courses offered in English at LUSEM are open to exchange students, only the ones you can find in our course list.
Schedule in TimeEdit
The schedules for courses at LUSEM are available approximately one month before the courses start. The safest way to avoid conflicting schedules beforehand is to choose courses from the course list with the same prefix (FEK, NEK, EKH etc), level (A, B, B/C, C, D) within the same period.