Joakim Winborg
Senior lecturer

Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
“All that glitters is not gold!” : The (Unexplored) Determinants of Equity Crowdfunding
Camilla Civardi, Andrea Moro, Joakim Winborg
(2024) Small Business Economics, 63 p.299-324
Journal articleThe role of work-integrated learning in preparing students for a corporate entrepreneurial career
Joakim Winborg, Gustav Hägg
(2023) Education and Training, 65 p.674-696
Journal articleThe role of financial bootstrapping in handling the liability of newness in incubator businesses
Joakim Winborg
(2015) International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 16 p.197-206
Journal articleThe Potential of Bootstrapping Research for Advancing the Understanding of the Role of Resources in Corporate Entrepreneurship
Joakim Winborg
Conference paperThe role of entrepreneurship education and start-up experience for handling communication and liability of newness
Pia Ulvenblad, Eva Berggren, Joakim Winborg
(2013) International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 19 p.187-209
Journal articleExploring the resource logic of student entrepreneurs
Diamanto Politis, Joakim Winborg, Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand
(2012) International Small Business Journal, 30 p.659-683
Journal articleAcademic entrepreneurship – the structure of incubator management and best practice reported on Swedish business incubators' websites
Pia Ulvenblad, Marita Blomkvist, Joakim Winborg
(2011) International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 12 p.445-458
Journal articleUse of financial bootstrapping in new businesses: a question of last resort?
Joakim Winborg
(2009) Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 11 p.71-83
Journal articlePengar är inte alltid lösningen – Användningen av finansiell bootstrapping i små företag
Joakim Winborg
(2003) Småföretaget och kapitalet. En antologi om svensk forskning kring små företags finansiering
Book chapterFinancial bootstrapping in small businesses: examining small business managers' resource acquisition behaviors
Joakim Winborg, Hans Landström
(2001) Journal of Business Venturing, 16 p.235-254
Journal articleFinancing Small Businesses - Developing our Understanding of Financial Bootstrapping Behavior
Joakim Winborg