Erik Green
Senior lecturer

Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Income Mobility before Industrialization: Evidence from South Africa’s Cape Colony
Johan Fourie, Erik Green, Auke Rijpma, Dieter von Fintel
(2024) Social Science History , p.1-30
Journal articleEarly modern globalization and the extent of indigenous agency : Trade, commodities and ecology
Ann M. Carlos, Erik Green, Calumet Links, Angela Redish
(2024) Economic History Review
Journal articlePre-colonial African economies
Erik Green
(2024) Handbook of African Economic Development , p.42-55
Book chapterProperty Rights and Labour Relations : Explaining the Relative Success of Native Purchase Area Farmers in Southern Rhodesia, 1930–1965
Erik Green, Mark Nyandoro
(2023) Journal of Southern African Studies, 49 p.889-906
Journal articleEstimating Historical Inequality from Social Tables: Towards Methodological Consistency
Dieter von Fintel, Calumet Links, Erik Green
(2023) Lund Papers in Economic History. , p.1-36
Working paperDid it pay to be a pioneer? Wealth accumulation in a newly settled frontier society
Jeanne Cilliers, Erik Green, Robert Ross
(2023) Economic History Review, 76 p.257-282
Journal articleSystematic bias in social tables estimates of inequality? : Large bottom classes and small populations
Erik Green, Dieter von Fintel, Calumet Links
Conference - otherThe social mobility of settlers : Evidence from annual Cape Colony tax censuses
Erik Green, Johan Fourie, Dieter von Fintel, Auke Rijpma
Conference - otherEcology, Indigenous Agency in the Seventeenth Century : A case study of Hudson Bay and Cape Colony
Erik Green, Calumet Links, Ann Carlos, Angela Redish
Conference - otherThe distributional effects of homogamy and consanguinity at the Cape
Erik Green, Jeanne Cilliers, Auke Rijpma, Anne E. McCants
Conference - otherDid it pay to be a pioneer? Wealth accumulation in a newly settled frontier society
Jeanne Cilliers, Erik Green, Robert Ross
(2022) Lund papers in Economic history
Working paperWindow of Opportunities : The Great Depression, Protectionism and the Rise of Profitable Settler Agriculture in Africa
Erik Green
(2022) British Imperialism and Globalization, c. 1650-1960 : Essays in Honour of Patrick O'Brien , p.202-224
Book chapterChanges in Occupational Structure in Malawi, c. 1930-2010 : A Story of Structural Continuity?
Erik Green, Wapulumuka Mulwafu, Rory Pilossof
Conference - otherInstitutions of Equal Opportunity? : Economic mobility in the Cape Colony
Erik Green, Johan Fourie, Dieter von Fintel, Auke Rijpma
Conference - otherLabour, Capital and Property Rights in a Land Abundant Peasant Economy : Explaining the Relative Success of Native Purchase Farmers in Southern Rhodesia, c. 1930-1960
Erik Green, Mark Nyandoro
(2021) African Economic History Network Working Paper series , p.1-24
Working paperThe substitutability of slaves : Evidence from the Eastern frontier of the Cape Colony
Calumet Links, Johan Fourie, Erik Green
(2020) Economic History of Developing Regions, 35 p.98-122
Journal articleBig data on Colonial History : Building an annual panel of households across several decades
Erik Green, Johan Fourie, Auke Rijpma, Dieter von Fintel
Conference - otherThe Equality of Free Trade? : British Annexation of the Cape and its consequences
Erik Green, Dieter von Fintel, Johan Fourie
Conference - otherExploring the necessary empirical condition for estimating inequality with social tables
Erik Green, Dieter von Fintel, Calumet Links
Conference - otherLabour Control and the Establishment of Profitable Settler Agriculture in Colonial Kenya, 1920-45
Maria Fibaek, Erik Green
(2019) Economic History of Developing Regions, 34
Journal articleAn economic history of development in sub-Saharan Africa : Economic Transformations and Political Changes
Ellen Hillbom, Erik Green
BookBuilding the Cape of Good Hope Panel
Johan Fourie, Erik Green
(2018) History of the Family, 23 p.493-502
Journal articleTraditional Landholding Certificates in Zambia : Preventing or Reinforcing Commodification and Inequality?
Erik Green, Milja Norberg
(2018) Journal of Southern African Studies, 44 p.613-628
Journal articleWage Labour and Slavery on the Cape Frontier
Erik Green, Johan Fourie
(2018) Work Around the Globe: Historical Comparisons and Connections , p.265-294
Book chapterInequality in Federation: Long-term inequality trends for Colonial Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe 1910-1965
Jutta Bolt, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
Conference paperThe Land-Labour Hypothesis in a Settler Economy : Wealth, Labour and Household Composition on the South African Frontier
Jeanne Cilliers, Erik Green
(2018) International Review of Social History, 63 p.239-271
Journal articleFrom Extensive to Involutionary Growth: A Dialectic Interpretation of the Boom and Busts of Cocoa Production in the Gold Coast
Erik Green
(2017) Journal of Agrarian Change, 17 p.518-534
Journal articleThe land-labour hypothesis revised : Wealth, labour and household composition on the South African Frontier
Jeanne Cilliers, Erik Green
(2017) African Economic History Network Working Paper Series, 2017
Working paperCoping with the Double Crisis : Lake Chilwa Recession and the Great Depression on Chisi Island in Colonial Malawi, 1930–1935
Joseph Nagoli, Erik Green, Wapulumuka Mulwafu, Linley Chiwona Karltun
(2017) Human Ecology, 45 p.111-117
Journal articleEndogenous processes of Colonial Settlement : The success and failure of European settler farming in sub-Saharan Africa*
Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
(2016) Revista de Historia Economica, 34 p.237-265
Journal articleDevelopment under the surface: the rise of indigenous agriculture as an unintended consequence of settler institutions in Southern Rhodesia, 1896–1962
Martin Andersson, Erik Green
(2016) Journal of International Development, 28 p.127-146
Journal articleLand concentration, institutional control and African agency - Growth and stagnation of European tobacco farming in Shire Highlands, c. 1900-1940
Erik Green
(2015) Agricultural transformations in global history
Book chapterLabour on Cape farms before and after the abolition on slave imports
Johan Fourie, Erik Green
Conference paperWas the wage burden too heavy? - Settler farming, profitability, and wage shares of settler agriculture in Nyasaland, c. 1900-60
Jutta Bolt, Erik Green
(2015) Journal of African History, 56 p.217-238
Journal articleThe Internationalization of Economic History - Perspectives from the African Frontier
Erik Green, Pius Nyambara
(2015) Economic History of Developing Regions, 50 p.1-14
Journal articleThe development of agrarian capitalism revisited: Measuring the role of tenant labour on settler farms in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1960
Erik Green
Conference paperThe missing people - Accounting for the productivity of indigenous populations in Cape colonial history
Johan Fourie, Erik Green
(2015) Journal of African History, 56 p.195-215
Journal articleThe Missing People: Accounting for Indigenous Populations in Cape Colonial History
Johan Fourie, Erik Green
Working paperThe economics of slavery in eighteenth century Cape Colony: Revising the Nieboer-Domar hypothesis
Erik Green
(2014) International Review of Social History, 59 p.39-70
Journal articleSuccess and Failure of European Settler Farming in Colonial Africa
Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
(2014) African Economic History Network Working Paper Series
Working paperWas the wage burden too heavy? : Profitability and wage shares of settler agriculture in colonial Malawi, c 1900-1960
Jutta Bolt, Erik Green
(2014) Lund Papers in Economic History. Development Economics
Working paperPathdependency in the historical flow of labour migration
Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
Conference - otherProduction systems in pre-colonial Africa
Erik Green
Book chapterInvolutionary Growth in a Labour-Scarce Economy. A dialectic interpretation of the boom and bust of cocoa production in Ghana, c. 1890-1970
Erik Green
(2013) Lund Papers in Economic History. Development Economics
Working paperDevelopment under the surface – unintended consequences of settler institutions in Southern Rhodesia, 1896-1962
Martin Andersson, Erik Green
Conference paperWas the wage burden too heavy? - Settler farming, wages and the profitability of settler agriculture in colonial Malawi, c 1900-1960
Erik Green, Jutta Bolt
Conference paperSuccess and Failure of European Settler Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
Conference paperLand Concentration, Intistutional Control and African Agency - Growth and Stagnation of European Tobacco Farming in Shire Highlands, c. 1900-1940
Erik Green
(2012) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperHigh-Level-Equilbroum Trap and Involution - Exploring the dynamics of recurrent growth in pre-colonial and colonial Africa
Erik Green
Conference paperLabor costs and the failed support of progressive farmers in colonial Malawi
Erik Green
(2012) Landscape and environment in colonial and postcolonial Africa
Book chapterMoving Forward in African Economic History : Bridging the gap between methods and sources
Ellen Hillbom, Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Morten Jerven, Gareth Austin, et al.
Conference - otherMeasuring colonial extraction - An endeavor to identify social classes in colonial Zimbabwe
Martin Andersson, Tobias Axelsson, Erik Green, Christer Gunnarsson, Ellen Hillbom
Conference paperDouble crisis: Water recession, the global depression and survival strategies on Chisi Island in Malawi, 1930-1935
Joseph Nagoli, Erik Green
Conference paperMoving Forward in African Economic History: Bridging the gap between methods and sources
Morten Jerven, Gareth Austin, Erik Green, Chibuike Uche, Ewout Frankema, et al.
(2012) African Economic History Network Working Paper Series
Working paperInequality and social tables in Southern Rhodesia, c. 1890-1960
Martin Andersson, Tobias Axelsson, Erik Green, Christer Gunnarsson
Conference paperSlavery, land and capital in 18th century Cape Colony: Revising the Nieboer-Domar hypothesis
Erik Green
Conference paperUnderstanding colonial extraction: Inequality extraction ratio and Inequality Possibility Frontier in Southern Rhodesia
Martin Andersson, Erik Green, Tobias Axelsson, Christer Gunnarsson
Conference paperAgrarian Populism in Colonial and Postcolonial Malawi
Erik Green
(2011) African Studies Review, 54 p.143-164
Journal articleIndirect Rule and Colonial Intervention: Chiefs and Agrarian Change in Nyasaland, ca. 1933 to the Early 1950s
Erik Green
(2011) International Journal of African Historical Studies, 44 p.249-274
Journal articleSlavery and 'free' labour: Critical comments on rural labour relations in the 18th century Cape Colony
Erik Green
Conference paperState-Led Agricultural Intensification and Labour Relations: The case of Lilongwe Land Development program in Malawi, 1968-1981
Erik Green
(2010) International Review of Social History, 55 p.413-446
Journal articlePrincipal Trends and Debates in African Agriculture Development
Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom, Mattias Lindgren
Conference paperProperty Rights, Labour Relations and agrarian populaism in colonial and post-colonial Malawi
Erik Green
Conference paperFactor endowments and institutions: Explaining the failed support of progressive farmers in colonial Malawi
Erik Green
Conference paperA Lasting Story: Conservation and Agricultural Extension Services in Colonial Malawi
Erik Green
(2009) Journal of African History, 50 p.247-267
Journal articleSubventioner gav rekordskörd : Malawi gjorde rätt när man trotsade de internationella experternas råd
Erik Green
(2008) Omvärlden , p.24-25
Journal articleIncome diversification, labor and processes of agrarian change in southern and northern Malawi, 1930-1950
Erik Green
(2008) Agricultural History, 82
Journal articleFrom North-South to South-South: The Changing Geographies of African Trade
Erik Green, Ulf Jonsson
Conference paperEU:s jordbrukspolitik och global fattigdomsbekämpning
Erik Green, Ulf Jonsson
(2007) Internationella Studier, 1
Journal articleModern Agricultural History in Malawi: Perspectoves on Policy Choices
Erik Green
(2007) African Studies Review, 50 p.115-133
Journal articleJordbrukskriser i Afrika går att undvika
Erik Green, Linley Chiwona-Karltun
(2006) Omvärlden
Journal articleGrova förenklingar löser inte fattigdomsproblematiken
Erik Green, Ulf Jonsson
(2006) Omvärlden , p.28-29
Journal articleContradictions and constraints of land inetnsification: Agrarian change in colonial Malawi: 1930-1960
Erik Green
Conference paperAgrarian change and commercialisation in colonial Malawi: The case of Mzimba district, 1938-1962
Erik Green
(2005) Journal of South Africa Economic History
Journal articleLimits of agricultural transformation: Agrarian change and the labour question in Nyasaland: The case of Cholo district, 1950-1962
Erik Green
(2005) Geografisk årsbok
Book chapterPeasant proudction and limits to labour Thyolo and Mzimba Districts in Malawi, mid-1930s to late-1970s
Erik Green
(2005) Lund Studies in Economic History, 35
DissertationExplanations to the agrarian question in Malawi: A critical discussion
Erik Green
Conference paperAgricultural practices and gararian relations in colonial Malawi: The case of Thyolo and Mzimba in the 1930s
Erik Green
Conference paperCommercialisation in the 'Dead North': Agrarian change in Mzimba district, Nyasland
Erik Green
Conference paperMaster Farmers' Scheme and Agricultural Tranformation in colonial Malawi
Erik Green
Conference paperUnderstanding agrarian change: Theoretical and empirical considerations from the perspective of southern Malawi
Erik Green
Conference paperProductive resources, markets and agrarian change in Nyasland: The case of Mzimba district
Erik Green
Conference paper