AI in Entrepreneurship Research: Gamechanger or Hype?
This seminar with Martin Obschonka, University of Amsterdam, is part of the SKJCE Seminar Series.
We will discuss new trends in the Al domain for entrepreneurship research, with a focus on prospecting and establishing the new Al frontiers, and related challenges for scholars across the research process.
Upcoming seminars
April 15, Experiments in Entrepreneurship Research: Opportunities and Obstacles with Silke Tegtmeier
May 13, Developing Entrepreneurship Education for Corporate Innovation and Venturing with Luke Pittaway
June 9, Research Questions and Problem Formulation in Entrepreneurship Education Studies with Jonas Gabrielsson
About the event
Alfa 1:1072 (Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship)/online
jiejie [dot] lyu [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se