Secured the 70th position
In the most recent ranking conducted by the Financial Times, specifically in the FT European Business School Rankings 2023, LUSEM has demonstrated a notable ascent, advancing by 8 positions to secure the 70th position compared to its previous standing at #78. The achievement of securing a place on this prestigious list is indeed a source of pride. Notably, considering the extensive pool of approximately 300 business schools across Europe, the inclusion of only 90 in the FT ranking underscores the significance of this accomplishment.
Martin Blom, Vice Dean with special responsibility of education, comments on LUSEM's position on the list:
“This is of course good news and shows that we are on a par with the finest business schools in the Nordic region and many of our valued European partners.”
The news concludes the year on a high note and this truly marks a success or like Dean Mats Benner put it already last year when LUSEM climbed from #89 to #78: “The ranking position is a testimony of the efforts of all at LUSEM – students, staff and faculty.”
In reference to the good news, he expresses something similar again this year:
“LUSEM does it again, showing our strengths on the basis of hard work and dedication all around. We should all be proud of this testimony of our dedication to making a difference.”
Ranking of rankings
Every year the Financial Times ranks a larger number of business schools in Europe. This year, the evaluation encompassed 90 distinguished business schools. This assessment is a “ranking of rankings” derived from the performance of European schools in the most recent individual rankings of global providers for MBAs, EMBAs and MiMs, as well as for non-degree executive education courses. The individual FT rankings take into account graduate outcomes, including salary and career progress, as well as factors such as quality of research and international and gender diversity of students, faculty and school governing bodies.
As per the aforementioned details, inclusion on the list requires prior ranking in specific MSc programmes. LUSEM secured its position on the list in 2020, courtesy of the MSc programme in International Strategic Management, which was initially ranked at #75. In the latest September 2023 assessment by the Financial Times, the same programme advanced to #44 globally. This ranking relies on feedback from alumni, reflecting their experiences three years post-graduation. Notably, the Finance programme also demonstrated commendable progress, achieving a #36 ranking in June 2023 among the top 55 pre-experience Masters in Finance programmes worldwide.
Summing up, LUSEM continues to climb in all relevant prestigious rankings, offering further proof that the School is a noteworthy player in both national and international contexts.
See the whole ranking list of 2023