Health and safety representatives at LUSEM
At LUSEM every department or unit has one or two health and safety representatives and they are at your disposal as a resource and a help.
The health and safety representatives are appointed to represent you as an employee and to take part in preventive work environment management in your workplace. Shortcomings in your work environment should aways be pointed out to your manager and your health and safety representative.
The Principal health and safety representative
The Principal health and safety representatives coordinate the health and safety representatives within each area of responsibility and sets up meetings with them on a regular basis.
The duties of the health and safety representatives
Examples of duties that the health and safety representatives participate in:
- planning of changes that affect your work environment
- health and safety inspections
- investigations into incidents and occupational injuries
Below you can find out who is the principal health and safety representative at LUSEM and who is the health and safety representative at your department or unit.
List of present elected health and safety representatives at LUSEM
The group meets on at regular basis. Please get in contact with anyone in the group if you have questions that you would like the health and safety representatives to discuss.
Principal health and safety representative at LUSEM:
Peter GustafssonAgriFood Economics Centre:
Cecilia HammarlundThe Dean's office:
Stina VikingssonJeanette Ströberg
Department of Business Administration:
Tomas NilssonDevrem Göktepe-Hultén
Department of Business Law:
Carina FunckJohan Green
Department of Economic History:
Mallin NilssonAnders Larsson
Department of Economics:
Peter Schüller
Maria PerssonDepartment of Informatics:
Blerim EmruliBenjamin Weaver
Department of Statistics:
Peter GustafssonBehnaz Pirzamanbein
Did you know that:
- You can feel free to turn to any health and safety representative at LUSEM? Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone less close than your own health and safety representative.
- The health and safety representatives have a duty of confidentiality?