Written exams and essays
Teacher support
Written exams
The course administration helps out with preparation, implementation and completion of written exams. Contact a course administrator at your department for help and planning.
Rules concerning exams on courses at LUSEM
At the Exams office teachers and students from the Department of Economics can pick up and get help with written exams.
Department of Economics Exams office
Essays are handled by the course administrators in cooperation with the supervisors.
LUP Student Papers is a database for student essays. The students upload the essays themselves and they hand in an archival copy. The course administrators publish the essay in LUP Student Papers. The number created in LUP should be written on the archival copy.
LUP student papers – lup.lub.lu.se
Academic Skills Services (ASKS)
If you work as a teacher you can find an important resource in Academic Skills Services (ASKS). ASKS provides free and confidential learning support, in English, for all students at LUSEM and offers individual and small-group consultations. All consultations are made by appointment.