Core values
Equality, equal opportunities and diversity.
LUSEM’s vision is an insignia of Lund University’s vision. Being part of an old and well-established university, the core values also tend to be shared throughout the organisation. The core values of the university are described as follows:
Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) is part of Lund University, and prides itself on sharing the University’s virtues and guiding principles. Lund University is part of a worldwide academic community and supports the core values agreed upon in the Magna Charta Universitatum.
The strategic plan establishes the importance of autonomy and academic freedom. Universities are to be free of pressures from wider society, ensuring the freedom, integrity and quality of education and research.
LUSEM embodies the core values of the University. It is a confident, positive and relevant part of the academic community and a driving force in society. LUSEM is committed to inspirational education and lifelong learning, to partnerships with business and society, and to a student-centred perspective where students engage in continuous personal development and share the responsibility for the development of the School.
The core values are also based on the laws that a Swedish public authority has to follow. Lund University and its constituent parts are required to safeguard democracy, legality, impartiality, freedom of opinion, respect for the equal value of all human beings and ensure efficiency and service. Gender equality and diversity are fundamental principles in every part of our organisation and considered crucial for a university that should reflect society at large.
For a better work and learning environment
The promotion of gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity is a prerequisite for achieving a better work and learning environment. By integrating the work on gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity as a natural part of daily work duties at the School of Economics and Management, an attractive workplace is created where everyone can thrive and develop by being given the same conditions for career opportunities, personal development and studies.
The faculty board has overall responsibility for gender equality and equal opportunities work at the School of Economics and Management. Meanwhile, The gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity council is to prepare matters within the area of gender equality, diversity and widening participation, as well as to inspire, encourage and spread knowledge about equal opportunities work. Following the priorities of Lund University, we specifically focus our work on: discrimination, equal opportunities, recruitment and promotion, leadership, salaries and terms of employment, and gender and intersectional perspectives in teaching.
Joakim Gullstrand, Professor
joakim [dot] gullstrand [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] sev (joakim[dot]gullstrand[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]sev)
Telephone: +46 46 222 93 97
Anna Tegunimataka,
Associate senior lecturer
Chair, The gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity council
anna [dot] tegunimataka [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se (anna[dot]tegunimataka[at]ekh[dot]lu[dot]se)
Telephone: +46 46 222 04 98