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Economics Outreach

  • Research output
  • Working Papers Routines
  • How-to links

Research output

On our external web page we will publish popular science articles covering research findings from researchers at the Department of Economics.

Outreach at the Department of Economics

The initiative aims to be a public outreach channel which includes research output. In particular, one of the highlights will be popular science articles about our research output.

Information about signing up and routines for writing a popular science article, please visit LU-Box

Contact for outreach: 
Lina Maria Ellegård 
lina_maria [dot] ellegard [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (lina_maria[dot]ellegard[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)

Working Papers Routines

The Working Paper Series at the Department of Economics, Lund University are published on the S-WoPEc page: 

Working Papers

More information about our Working Papers and routine for publication in LU-box:

 Working Papers Routines

Contact for working Papers: 
Prakriti Thami
prakriti [dot] thami [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (prakriti[dot]thami[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)

How-to links

As an academic, there will be times when you need to explain your subject matter to a non-specialist audience. The most crucial thing to remember when writing popular science is that the intended reader is not an expert. Think of the reader as a person with a good all-round education, but with no specialized knowledge and no exceptional passion for the discipline.

The AWELU platform is a resource for English academic writing at Lund University. 

Research writing resources at LU


LUCRIS is Lund University’s research information system, where you are able to enter information about yourself, your research group, projects, publications and activities. The information is presented externally via the Lund University research portal.

Find out more on how LUCRIS works, a quick guide to get started and who to turn to in need of support.

LUCRIS - research information system

LUSEM requirements

Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) has a minimum standard for what needs to be included in your personal profile in LUCRIS. You will find a guide below covering the information that LUSEM’s Management Team requires researchers to register.



Lund University’s research information system. To submit your research in LUCRIS, log on with your Lucat-ID

Log into LUCRIS