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Report and certify results in Ladok at the Department of Informatics


This page contains instructions on how to report and certify results in Ladok.


Please view the information under the heading "Inspera exams" for all reporting and certifying related to digital Inspera examinations, as this differs from all other reporting.

Reporting results

The students view their results – i.e. their scores and grades – in Ladok after the results are certified. Thus, the teacher should not upload separate result lists on Canvas or anywhere else.

Students must be notified of their results no later than 15 working days after the completion of the examination and at least two weeks before the re-take exam.

To report results, you need the Ladok authorisation for reporting or certifying results in Lucat. Apply for it yourself or contact Carla Böhme if you need help. 

You will also need the correct employee rights within Ladok. Once you have your Lucat authorisation, contact Emilia Rogowski with the courses you will be reporting on to gain your employee rights.

We are keen for teachers to report results directly in Ladok as this is more legally secure and GDPR-compliant than keeping track with their own lists. Reporting directly in Ladok is also the sustainable choice as it results in less archiving. 

How to report results in Ladok

  1. From the home page, choose the menu selection "Report results"/"Rapportera". Start by choosing the course on the left side of the screen, and then click "Report results"/"Rapportera" on the correct module.
  2. For each person you want to report a result for, please enter the corresponding letter grade, examination points (if applicable) and examination date (exam or deadline date). If you need to add examination points but the option is missing, you can add the column by clicking on the menu selection "Results annotations"/"Resultatnoteringar" and selecting "New results annotation"/"Ny resultatnotering" > "Examination points"/"Skrivningspoäng" under the correct module.
  3. Click "Save"/"Spara". The results are now saved as a draft.
  4. Click "Mark as ready"/"Klarmarkera". Under "Graded by teacher"/"Rättande lärare", select the teacher who graded the assignment/exam. Under "Notify"/"Avisera till", select the examiner for the course/sub-course. These will usually both be yourself. Click "Mark as ready and notify"/"Klarmarkera och avisera". The results have now been sent off for certification. Results will only be visible to students once they are certified. 

Note: If a student is missing from the list presented, it may be because the student has been registrered on a previous course code. In that case, search for the student separately by entering the student's personal ID number, or contact Emilia Rogowski

Certifying results

To certify results, you need the Ladok authorisation for certifying results in Lucat. Apply for it yourself or contact Carla Böhme if you need help. 

You will also need the correct employee rights within Ladok. Once you have your Lucat authorisation, contact Emilia Rogowski with the courses you will be certifying results on, to gain your employee rights.

How to certify results in Ladok:

  1. From the home screen, choose the menu selection "Certify"/"Attestera". Click on the course title to go to the certification page. Here, you will see all results marked as ready.
  2. Select the students for whom you wish to certify results. You can select all by ticking the top-most checkbox. Click "Certify"/"Attestera". (If something is incorrect, you can remove the ready mark, sending the result back to draft. You can also change the grade right away before certifying.)
  3. Finally, click "Certify results"/"Attestera resultat". This is when the formal decision is made. Results will be made visible to students when this step is completed. 

Removal and change of results

To be able to change a result it must first be removed. Only the examiner of the course is able to remove results marked as ready or results that are already certified.

The administrator can flag certified results to “prepare them for removal”, but examiners are able to remove any results regardless of them being prepared for removal or not.

If the student already has a certified course grade this must be removed before the removal of the incorrect module result. 

  1. Find and choose the ready-marked/certified result you want to remove by searching for the course instance or student.
  2. Click the option to prepare removal of grade or removal of grade under "More functions"/"Övriga funktioner".
  3. Save and confirm the change. 

Inspera exams

We use an Inspera-Ladok integration for our digital Inspera exams which allows us to move results directly from Inspera to Ladok. This saves time and minimises human errors in manual reporting. The integration also makes the students completely anonymous in Inspera. Their names will be made clear to you after the results are reported/while certifying, i.e. you will be able to see student details with their corresponding anonymisation codes before confirming certification.

After confirming the final grading in Inspera, a new button appears, allowing the transfer of results from Inspera to Ladok. Please contact study [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (study[at]ics[dot]lu[dot]se) to complete this step. While you as a teacher will have the authorisation to click the button, we ask you to leave this to the study administration to complete.

The results will be moved to Ladok and are saved as drafts, where the study administration will double-check the transfer was completed correctly and mark the results as ready. You will then be able to certify the results as normal. 

Find anonymisation codes

Because students are completely anonymous in Inspera, you will need the anonymisation code of a specific student to find their exam answers in the system.

Anonymisation codes before reporting is completed

Because the Inspera-Ladok integration is built around anonymous examinations, you will not be able to find a specific student's anonymisation code in Ladok before the results are reported. Please contact study [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (study[at]ics[dot]lu[dot]se) who can provide you with a list of student names and anonymisation codes. This option should only be used in special cases, in the spirit of keeping examination as anonymous as possible. 

Anonymisation codes while certifying

To view the anonymisation codes along with the student personal details in Ladok while certifying, you need to go to the Activity session view of the exam. 

  1. In Ladok, search for the course code of the course in which the exam was given. This can be done on the top right of the page or under the menu tab "Course"/"Kurs".
  2. Select the current course instance from the list.
  3. Under the Written exam module for the course or sub-course, you will find one or several Activity sessions. Click on the one for the exam you want to certify results on.
  4. Click on the tab "Certify"/"Attestera". You should now be shown a list with student information, including anonymisation codes, and results. Here, you can certify like usual. 

Anonymisation codes after certifying

After certifying the results, you can find the anonymisation codes in the Activity session of the exam. 

  1. In Ladok, search for the course code of the course in which the exam was given. This can be done on the top right of the page or under the menu tab "Course"/"Kurs".
  2. Select the current course instance from the list.
  3. Under the Written exam module for the course or sub-course, you will find one or several Activity sessions. Click on the one for the exam you want to find the anonymisation codes for.
  4. Click on the tab "Certify"/"Attestera". Under "Filter results by status"/"Filtrera resultat på status", de-select "Marked as ready"/"Klarmarkerade" and instead select "Certified"/"Attesterade". You should now be shown a list with student information, including anonymisation codes, and results. 


Emilia Rogowski
Study administrator and Coordinator for the master's programme