Courses spring 2025
The AHU’s higher education teaching and learning courses are aimed at all teaching staff at Lund University and are suitable for teachers at all levels. You find the courses offered below and you can apply directly via the course homepages. The courses are given in a blended form, i.e. both classroom teaching and online assignments, unless otherwise stated. The application is open until 1 November.

Courses in English
The introductory course
The thematic courses
- Supervising Students’ Thesis Writing, 2 w
- Rethinking Assessment, 2 w (NEW COURSE)
- Teaching Portfolio, 1 w
- Open Networked Learning, 2 w (arranged by an international consortium of universities)
Project courses
LTH also offers the course The Good Lecture for all teaching staff at LU. The spring course round has not yet been announced.
Pedagogical courses –
Kurser på svenska (Courses in Swedish)
Tematisk kurs
- Forskarhandledning, 2 v
LTH erbjuder också kursen Den goda föreläsningen för all undervisande personal vid LU. Vårens kursomgångar har ännu inte utannonserats.
Register at Division for Higher Education Development
You register for the courses of your choice online via the corresponding link on each course page.
For questions about the courses:
Annika Diehl at Division for Higher Education Development
annika [dot] diehl [at] ahu [dot] lu [dot] se (annika[dot]diehl[at]ahu[dot]lu[dot]se)
Contact at LUSEM:
Jeanette Ströberg
jeanette [dot] stroberg [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se
About AHU
AHU (Division for Higher Education Development) offers courses all year around but according to a yearly cycle the courses are divided into two main groups Teaching and learning and Course design. The overall aim is that all teaching faculty members are to complete at least 5 weeks (7,5 credits) of courses in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (högskolepedagogik).