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Examination at the Department of Informatics


This page contains information about examinations at the Department of Informatics.

On-campus written exams

All written exams at the department are anonymous and digital, and are administered and carried out in the software Inspera. When using Inspera for on-campus written examinations, there are a few important responsibilities and deadlines to consider. 

The information detailing the responsibilities and deadlines below is the most common way we tend to divide the work between the teacher, the administration, and the examination office regarding exams at the department. This may not fit everyone, so if you would like a different process for any of your exams, please contact the study administrator to work out a different solution.

Responsibilities and deadlines


  • Informs the students of the rules on examination, requirements to undergo examination, the grouds for assessment and permitted aids during examination. This may be done at the start of the course. 
  • Creates and shares a question set with the administrator in Inspera one week before the exam (naming convention: course code, course/subcourse name + exam type + date. Example: SYSA14, Programkonstruktion Ordinarie tentamen 2024-05-16)
  • Finalises the question set two working days before the exam
  • Double checks exam after activation (correct question set, settings, and information)

Note: Any changes made to the question set after exam activation needs to be manually updated in the exam. Please contact the study administrator if you make any changes closer than two working days before the exam.


  • Creates the exam in Inspera, connects the question set, applies the standard settings, adds all necessary staff and adds information for the students
  • Activates the exam once the question set is completed
  • Handles all contact with the examination office

Examination office

  •  Schedules the invigilators and prepares the exam hall


  • Registers for the exam via Ladok 1-3 weeks before the exam date


  • Visits the exam hall at some point during the exam (not necessary for re-exams). If the exam is given at more than one location (e.g. because of students with disabilities) make sure to visit both locations)
  • Is available to answer questions by phone

Note: Sometimes, you may not be able to visit or be contactable during the exam. If this is the case, please let the study administrator know beforehand whenever possible.


  • Is available to answer questions by phone 

Examination office

  • Checks attendance and fills out the incident report
  • Supervises students
  • Handles technical difficulties
  • If necessary, contacts the teacher with student questions or the administrator with practical questions

Examination office

  • Sends attendance list and incident report to the administrator
  • Scans and archives Inspera scan-sheets, if applicable


  • Assesses the hand-ins, confirms the final results in Inspera, and lets the administrator know when this is completed
  • Certifies results in Ladok 


  • Reviews and compares the attendance list with information in the monitor function in Inspera and notifies the teacher of any inconsistencies
  • Transfers the confirmed final results from Inspera to Ladok
  • Archives the exam

Report and certify results in Ladok

Feedback on written exams

Results on written exams should be reported and certified in Ladok before the scheduled exam feedback sessions (tentamensgenomgång). This session should provide information on how the grading was done, and the students have an opportunity to discuss the exam with the teacher.

In conjunction with the scheduling of the course examination feedback session (around three weeks after the exam) must be included in the schedule.


At LUSEM, grades are awarded in accordance with a criterion-based grading scale A-U. For tests that are not graded in this fashion (pass/fail tests) a scale of U-G (Underkänd = failed, Godkänd = passed) is used. 

In order for a student to receive a grade (i.e. also failed) on an exam, the student must be examined. Therefore, students cannot fail because they were not present at compulsory teaching/did not submit information.

If a student attended the exam but did not submit any answers, the exam is to be considered blank and the exam is awarded the grade U. 

The maximum score on all written examinations must be 100.

The course grade is calculated by the administrator according to the formula in the course syllabus. This is done when all of the course exams have been passed and the course is completed. The grade is registered in Ladok and the course is set to complete after the course grade is certified in Ladok by the examiner.

Grading scale at LUSEM

Exams and assignments – good to know

When the content of a course is changed significantly, whether by changes to the reading list or otherwise, the University has an obligation to offer examinations in accordance with the former course content for a period of one year following the change. The student shall be given the opportunity to re-examine on three occasions for at least one year after the change.

In some cases, remaining students on a terminated course may be examined on a new course through set transitional rules. In cases where this is not possible, the above rules is to be applied.

A student can apply for a credit transfer based on previous education or professional experience.

The student submits the application and documentation to the programme coordinator, who inquires with the teacher about whether crediting may be relevant. 

If the teacher approves the credit transfer, this is carried out by the programme coordinator in Ladok. The teacher or the director of studies certifies the decision in Ladok.

Applications or questions about credit transfers should be sent to:

  • Viktoria Svenby for credit transfers on first cycle (basic- and bachelor level) courses
  • Emilia Svefelt for credit transfers on second cycle (advanced) courses
  • Carla Böhme for credit transfers on third cycle (doctoral) courses

Credit transfer in first and second-cycle education

Disciplinary measures may be invoked against students who use prohibited aids or other methods to attempt to deceive during examinations or other forms of assessment of study performance.

Grounds for suspicions of disciplinary offences must be reported expediently and without delay to the director of studies, Björn Svensson

Disciplinary matters at Lund University

Specific rules for how theses at different levels should be written, presented and assessed are specified by the course director. Assessment criteria for theses must be found on the course in Canvas. The assessment criteria should be communicated to the students, e.g. by reviewing an older essay.

The students submit their thesis via Canvas or by mail to the supervisor's and examiner's Ouriginal address. It is important that students are informed that theses not reviewed by Ouriginal will not be examined.

The examiner of a bachelor's or master’s thesis cannot be the same person as the supervisor.

UKÄ's guidelines to fair examination covers everything from areas of responsibility to grading rules. It is an important document for teachers. Below, you can find the full guideline in Swedish and a short summery in English.

UKÄ Rättssäker examination (PDF, 560 kB)

UKÄ Guidelines to fair examination – English summary (PDF, 58 kB)

The department has no obligation to organise examinations for students who want to take a written examination at another university or for students studying at other universities. All inquiries should be forwarded to study [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (study[at]ics[dot]lu[dot]se)

All assignments are to be handed in to the teacher either via e-mail or via Canvas within the given deadline. Note that the examinations must be reviewed (with the exceptions of e.g. data modelling assignments) with plagiarism-checker Ouriginal. 

Deadlines for assignments, take home exams, reports as well as the learning portfolio must be included in the course schedule.

It is important that the teacher is available on e-mail from the time the exam is published until the submission deadline.


Much care and deliberation should be taken as to not lose or misplace students' written exams during the grading process. Since the majority of our exams and hand-ins are digital, this is a rare occurance. If, however, the unfortunate event of losing a student's written exam should occur, the student has the right to a new examination opportunity within one week. This exam may be scheduled later, at the request of the student.

According to the principle of publicity, Swedish citizens have the right to access public documents at an authority and in the sense of publicity students are considered to be outside the authority. An essay submitted by a student thus becomes a public document as soon as it is submitted to the authority.

The most common requests for disclosure are exams, reports, take-home exams etc. produced by a specific or general student. Note that this type of document is discarded after two years (except for graduation theses that are kept). So, it is not always possible to oblige the request. 

Public disclosure requests is normally handled by the administrators. If you get a request please promptly contact study [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (study[at]ics[dot]lu[dot]se) help and advice since there are a lot of aspects to consider such as if the document is subject of disclosure, confidentiality, registration etc.

Disclosure of public documents and confidentiality

Regardless of the examination form, there must be an opportunity for re-examination, or completion, in close connection with the ordinary opportunity. 

Students, who need to make completions must be given a deadline. Should the deadline expire without the student finishing their completion, the student is directed to try again at the next scheduled opportunity.

Students who have been examined twice on a course or a part of a course without obtaining a passing grade are entitled to another examiner, unless there are special reasons to the contrary.

When the student wants a new examiner, the student must be referred to the director of studies Björn Svensson.

Students with disabilities can get special arrangements for exams. The student must contact the Accessibility Officer at the Disability Support Services at Lund University (Avdelningen för pedagogiskt stöd) in order to get access to the special arrangements. 

Disability Support Services


Emilia Svefelt
Study administrator and Coordinator for the master's programme