Lund University School of Economics and Management Library
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- Book a librarian
- Book a group room or a quiet study seat
- Get help with talking books
- Find information about reference management
- Contact the library
- Know the library opening hours
- Print or copy
- Find course literature
- Make an interlibrary loan request
- Use the finance lab - Data Science Lab
- Develop my writing and study skills - contact ASKS
LUSEM Library
Regular opening hours
Staffed hours:
Monday–Friday: 10.00–18.00
Self service (access with LU card):
Monday–Friday: 9.00–10.00 and 18.00–20.00
Saturday: 9.00–15.00
Regular and limited opening hours
Visiting address
Alfatorget (Alfa 6), first floor
Scheelevägen 15H
How to borrow and return books at LUSEM Library.